Keroro Gunso: Orikero Wiki


This is Caiya (KI-YUH). She is a very shy keronian who does not talk much. 

About Caiya

She has unique talents, though not many know about. Only her family and love interest knows. She was a very smart student back in school and as a grown up, she still holds the very same intelligence. Caiya has a brother and a dad. Her mom ran away when she was 10. Keronians find her intriguing and beautiful. Many keronians (male) have a crush on her, but she ignores them...but there is one in particular that has a crush on her and she likes him aswell. He loves her for not only her looks, but also her personality and likes. They became a couple and have been very close to each other ever since.

Pekoponian relationships

Caiya came down to Pekopon in order to explore. She meant no harm. As soon as she dropped foot on earth, she fell in love. As she was sleeping one day, she had forgotten to turn on her invisibility cloke and a pekoponian named Casiana found her. Shocked at first, she carried Caiya to her house. Once Caiya woke up, she was surprised but they soon became good friends. She does not really talk to other pekoponians. As shy as she is, she was happy to talk to Casiana and considered her a good friend.Caiya has had trust issues in the past. Caiya does not live with Casiana however. She lives with her loving boyfriend that protects her (he is extremely protective of her).


A lot of keronians are affilated with the military, however, Caiya is not. She is just a normal keronian female with a bit of a mystery.
